Our Upcoming Speaker
Note: Since October 2022, we have returned to in-person meetings at the Birmingham Zoo using a hybrid Zoom-In Person format with the in-person meeting at the Lodge at the Birmingham Zoo
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM Central Time USA
Note Later Meeting Date!
Title: "Fossil Preparation Basics, Alabama Fossils"
Speaker: George Martin, APS Member, 2022 AMNH Alabama Avocational Paleontologist Award recipient
As all of you know, Alabama has an abundance of fossils throughout the state. Many of the specimens collected from surface outcrops or from sieving streambed gravels are free of matrix and may require only a gentle brushing with a soft brush to remove adhering mud or soft matrix. Others may be encased in phosphatic nodules, limestone, chalk, or marl that requires more intense techniques to remove matrix from the specimen.
During this presentation, “Fossil Preparation Basics, Alabama Fossils”, techniques, tools, and examples of specimens during preparation will be shown and discussed.
About the Speaker:
George Martin, an avocational paleontologist, has been interested in fossils, artifacts, and minerals for most of his life. For the past 25 years, he has devoted much of his free time to collecting, studying, and preparing fossil specimens. George has collected, prepared, and donated many fossil specimens to the ALMNH, the McWane Science Center, the MSMNS, the FLMNH, and the AMNH. For the past two years, he has spent hundreds of hours preparing fossil bones of ‘Moms’, a giant mosasaur, for the ALMNH and continues to work on that specimen.
Before retiring, George spent 37 years as a Soil Scientist with the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service specializing in soil mapping, soil interpretations, and Soil Taxonomy. He spent an additional 12 years as a Consultant Soil Scientist, specializing in Wetland Delineation and Site Evaluation for Sewage Disposal.